Tuesday, April 26, 2005

"Personal [private] accounts don't solve that problem..."

That statement (regarding whether or not private accounts would solve Social Security's problems in the next 50 years) was uttered by a Republican.

Oh...and not just any Republican.

It was the Senate Finance Committee chairman, Senator Charles Grassley.

Senate Finance Committee chairman Sen. Charles Grassley told callers on cable's C-Span television that the issue of private investment won't solve the problem of keeping Social Security afloat by the time his granddaughter retires more than 50 years from now.

"Personal accounts don't solve that problem," Grassley said. "You still have the insolvency of the Social Security trust fund," a problem he said needs to be resolved among "100 moving parts" over the next 50-75 years.


Sources in Grassley's Committee told reporters Monday that the controversial Bush plan to privatize part of the Social Security system may not make it through the panel.

Well, well, well...it seems the propaganda machine is starting to sputter a bit.


At April 27, 2005 at 10:46 AM, Blogger DHP said...

Actually, even the White House has already acknowledged that this is the case... the media just hasn't really devoted too much attention to it; however, I don't really mind what they actually are focused on: how badly his poll numbers on this issue are, even after his taxpayer-funded political campaigning for it...


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