Monday, April 25, 2005

Wow... that was quick...

At this point in the life of the conservative movement (i.e. since 1994), I am really not surprised that the media got down on their knees yet again to give the right a sloppy one when they demanded it, in this case the issue over the origins of the term "nuclear option."

What I am really amazed at is the shear speed at which the media readily agreed to line up conservatives and, as Jay would say, make like a circus seal. Now I don't have Nexis or anything, but the Republicans started this strategy on, what, Friday? Saturday? It took a few weeks for them to come around to shunning the term "privitization" but like Pavlov's dog they are now well-conditioned to receiving their marching orders from the right's talking points.

Update: TPM notes a some "Bamboozlement Detox" going on... is there hope yet? I ain't countin' on it...


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