Wednesday, December 22, 2004

The time is now, and that’s too bad

Several bloggers commented on this op-ed piece by Joe Biden regarding the new status of the Israel\Palestine issue… I don’t have much to add, manly because I agree with most of his points (although I personally would be even stronger on the issue of settlements, which I find absolutely criminal).

However, I do have a cynical comment on the way he ends his piece:

The time to act is now.

Yeah, it is… and with this crew in the White House, that’s a damn shame, isn’t it? Kinda like the Iraq War; whether or not you agreed with the move prior to the war, you had to have some serious doubts about this administration’s ability to plan and conduct the war in a proper fashion.

The same sort of idea applies here: there is a great opportunity, but even if the administration actually gets engaged in the issue (something they haven’t really done at all over the past 4 years), you know they are just going to fuck it up anyway, perhaps so badly as to make it intractable again for long into the future.

P.S. Sorry about the f-bomb there Mom, but I found its usage appropriate…


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