Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Et tu, Bill?

I was wondering were all the outrage was from the right on Rummy's performance in front of the troops recently, and I had feared that it all got soaked up by the mock outrage directed at a reporter cleverly using a GI to a question to the SecDef (more on that in a future post).

However, it seems that at least one shiv is out, courtesy of Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard by way of the WP. Considering that the Weekly Standard is a Murdoch outfit, might we be seeing other NewCorp publications following suit down the road?

Update: Another shiv, this time by the hawkish New Republic. One question though... why now? Rummy's incompetence and arrogance has been on display for all to see for years. Why this politically embarressing episode broke the camel's back is a mystery to me...

Update: Two more... Stormin' Norman and Senator Coleman

Update: Trent Lott steps up to the plate... that's gotta hurt


At January 24, 2005 at 11:28 PM, Blogger bpi said...

This is hilarious.I can't believe Coleman allowed these guys to put this up!

Makes me appreciate the orthodontist. Thanks, mom.

At January 25, 2005 at 8:30 AM, Blogger bpi said...

Well, it looks like this story goes a little deeper.

Honestly, this is stupid. Maybe it was an ethics violation...maybe it wasn't. I'm just glad he got his teeth fixed.

The really sad thing about this is the fact that this is the person that replaced Senator Paul Wellstone in Minnesota. Wellstone was in politics for all the right reasons. This guy is just another Republican android trying to shimmy his way up the ladder.


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