Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Thank you Alan Keyes!

So UNC's Student Congress, a body on which I served for two sessions, has been quite absurd with some of their expenditures of late... they have used thousands of dollars to bring in such intellects as Ann Coulter, Dinesh D'Souza, and Ollie North, and as such should really be viewed with contempt and disdain. These are some of the worst of the right... they are so bad that there is a not insignificant part of me that wishes we could bring them back multiple times so all the students would have multiple opportunities to hear the absurdism that is the face of the GOP.

The latest in this line of lminaries is Alan Keyes... I am not sure why he is a national figure, outside of having lost various presidential and sentorial races by huge margins. Oh, and being bat-shit crazy. Anyway, I wanted to go see him last night and enjoy the spectacle of it all, but The Wife wanted to spend some time with me, go to a movie, etc.

I was a bit hesitant... I had looked forward to this comedian to come into town for some time. However, The Wife gave me some assurances as to how fun our time together would be, so I skipped it. We went to eat sushi, see The Incredibles (review to come later), and spend some, er, quality time together at home... quite a fine evening, so I truly have to thank Alan Keyes for helping to put me in a position to reap the bounties of marriage!


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