Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Nice lines...

A few catchy phrases I have read today... from Mahablog:

As we all know, the purpose of right-wing think tanks is to think up excuses for pernicious rightie policies. And the purpose of rightie columnists is to tell the faithful what they want to hear. Essentially, the think tanks mix the Kool-Aid, the columnists fill the cups, and the rightie bloggers line up to drink.

Jonathan Simon via
Robert Koehler:

When the autopsy of our democracy is performed, it is my belief that media silence will be given as the primary cause of death.

Opinions You Should Have (parody):

Biologist Bryan Phelps, a colleague of Nybol's, surprised reporters when he said that was not sure that evolution should be taught in Kansas schools. "While there is abundant evidence of evolution almost everywhere in the world," he said, "there isn't much in Kansas."

Some random guy writing into
Altercation on what liberals stand for:
Poverty is poor soil for liberty

Amanda at
Pandagon on Brent Bozell's retard thoughts:

It's true--the world hates us because of "Desperate Housewives". The episode that really smarts is the one where Gabrielle and Bree join forces to deceive the public about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq to lead us into a sham of a war.

(Actually, that entire post has a bunch of funny lines... go read)

From Jesse at Pandagon on coverage devoted to white women and girls:

All you really need to know is that if your daughter gets kidnapped and her name is Lakeisha, tell CNN her name is Emily.

Friggin' awesome...


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