Tuesday, May 10, 2005

The Poor Man makes a funny...

Via Atrios, the Poor Man comments on attempts to cure wingnuttia:

This reminds me of a story. The year is 2003, and our chain of Poor Man “E-Z Gay-Away” homosexuality reversal clinics have just gone belly-up. The problem, financially, was the 100% money-back guarantee, which ate up some - well, OK, all - of our gross income, and the reason for this low - OK, zero - cure rate was bad staffing and a sagging economy and SEC over-reach and not our business model at all which was brilliant. We then decided to switch our approach a bit, and offer instead a guaranteed cure for wingnuttery. Our cure rate was unchanged. Again, there were many reasons for this: media bias, the sun was in our eyes, traffic jam on I-35, etc. But we did learn one valuable lesson from these debacles learning experiences: whatever the exact reasons, and regardless of how nice we are and how many ponies we offer, we could no more turn wingnuts into rational creatures than we could turn gay people straight. We have learned from these mistakes opportunities, and are now seeking investors for our nationwide brand of Fresh-Squeezed Stone Juice. Get in on the ground floor.



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