Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!

This warms the cockles of my heart... no, really!

Bush and Clinton, in part because they have worked so closely on fund-raising efforts, have forged a close friendship in recent months, prompting some humor from former first lady Barbara Bush when she introduced the former presidents.

"It's my great honor to introduce America's favorite new couple," she said. "Everyone is talking about the 'odd couple,' George and Bill — or, as I now call him, Son."

Aside from the obvious (i.e. that Bill probably vomitted in his mouth when Barbara called him "Son"), I think this is great... left and right getting together to truly help out the less fortunate.

It really shows how bad things have gotten that I look fondly upon the distant memories of 41's presidency... he was a robust internationalist who did what he needed to do in Kuwait with a host of supporting nations, and even raised taxes (*gasp*) when it became apparent that, what-do-ya-know, the government needs some funds in order to function! Other than his own theocratic bent and his lack of ability as a steward for the economy, he wasn't too horrible (Editor: What about his Iran-Contra pardons and leaving the Kurds high and dry? DHP: Shut-up! I am trying to be nice here!)

Anyway, it gives me just a smidge of hope... which I am sure will be ruthlessly crushed by the end of the week. But a smidge of hope nonetheless...


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