Thursday, November 25, 2004

Teens are bad drivers (and other astonishing news)


Ok, so that gets the "No shit, Sherlock" award for the day... but the main aspect of the article that I wanted to comment on concerns doctors:

Long hours, especially for doctors in the training phase of their careers, may contribute to the higher accident rate for physicians, said a spokesperson for the American Medical Association. The AMA has not studied physician involvement in auto accidents.
No surprises here either... residents get the absolute shaft, even with the new work-hour guidelines which limit you to an 80-hour week and no more than 36 hours in a row... gee, thanks! I guess it is a lot better than in the not too distant past: I have a orthopod friend who had to work 120 hour weeks during his general surgery year because they were short-handed.

And it doesn't necessarily stop after residency either: certain specialties (e.g. Ob/Gyns) often work insane hours. This is a big reason why you see general surgery, once the holy grail for medical students, rarely fill their slots for new residents, while a previous joked-about specialty like Dermatology is turning into one of the most competitive (9-5 hours are attractive).

I would love to see a break-down by specialty... that would be a real news article. DHP's sister, who is sitting behind DHP as he writes this post, would also like to see a break-down of statistics before and after the new work hour guidelines... I agree (She's peds doc BTW).


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