Tuesday, November 23, 2004

SI Jinx

Obviously this is not a very timely post, but I am currently watching the Tar Heels play for the first time this year (vs. Tennessee), and I am wondering if any sort of study or catalog has been performed regarding the “SI Jinx.”

Certainly such a study would have a lot of subjectivity to it… what would constitute a fulfillment of the jinx? In what timeframe would it have to occur? I also imagine that there would be some major confounding factors as well: a lot of the folks who make the cover are teams and players on unlikely runs of success who are primed for a stumble.

But “provable” or not, it certainly seems that the SI Jinx has been raising it’s ugly head quite often of late (or perhaps I am just still sore after what happened to my Cubbies in the playoffs two years ago… *sniff*)


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