Monday, June 13, 2005

Shame is for Sissies

If you happened to pick up a copy of The Independent Weekly this week, you might have seen this article. And if you're like me, you would have stopped what you were doing and read every word of it as your heart started beating a little faster.

Hal Crowther gets it right. I'm so freaking tired of this administration, the right-wing jihad of our society, the muzzling of free and fair debate, the crippling of the 4th estate, and the broad assumption by our society that conservative = moral.

[DHP: Sorry I've been MIA for a while. Residency starts tomorrow so I've been getting in all the fun and good times I can before I have to buckle down again. Wish me luck! ...and don't anyone get sick and come to the hospital for at least the next month and a half!]


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