Sunday, June 12, 2005

Yet another memo

Via TPM, we see that there is another memo to add to the DSM...

I imagine the MSM will ignore this one as well. That burns me, but at the same time anyone with half a brain knows that this war was completely fabricated, so what really burns me is that the entire topic is being ignored rather than individual memos and evidence.

Update: On CNN right now, the headline feature is on the DiD, while the memo is placidly-worded link on the right side of the page. Surprised?

Update: Walter Pincus at the Post reports on the memo as well... this is my favorite bit:

Testimony by then-Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul D. Wolfowitz, one of the chief architects of Iraq policy, before a House subcommittee on Feb. 28, 2003, just weeks before the invasion, illustrated the optimistic view the administration had of postwar Iraq. He said containment of Hussein the previous 12 years had cost "slightly over $30 billion," adding, "I can't imagine anyone here wanting to spend another $30 billion to be there for another 12 years." As of May, the Congressional Research Service estimated that Congress has approved $208 billion for the war in Iraq since 2003.
Update: Atrios pops over comments that Kevin Drum said that essentially mirror mine... Atrios is right, but here my caveat of "anyone with half a brain" saves me. I think the more important point is that regardless of the obviousness of it all, that doesn't excuse anyone from not caring or covering the story.


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