Friday, June 10, 2005

More on Dubya and Africa

This is an awesome post about the situation and how Bush responds to questions on the issue... here is one of the best parts:

First, though, George W. Bush's performance Tuesday was particularly pathetic, especially when the Q&A started. This is what I mean:

QUESTION: Prime Minister Blair has been pushing for wealthy nations to double aid to Africa. With American aid levels at among the lowest in the G-8 as a proportion of national income and the problems on the continent so dire, why isn't doubling U.S. aid a good idea?

BUSH: Well, first, as I've said in my statement, we've tripled aid to Africa. Africa is an important part of my foreign policy. I remember when I first talked to Condi, when I was trying to convince her to become the national security adviser, she said, "Are you going to pay attention to the continent of Africa?" I said, "You bet."

Riiiight... I noticed all that attention he has been paying to Darfur, and the fact that Condi has taken several trips over to the continent. And by several, I mean none. I also like the switcheroo on the numbers he pulled... classic politics. Kinda like citing mean incomes rather than the median when talking about tax breaks and the economy.

But Harkavy hammers something you will never see discussed on the talk shows: the implication that only blacks are and should be interested in Africa's problems:

Good Lord, is he a honky or what? Someone asks him about aid to Africa, and the first thing he says is that he talked with his house Negro about it. I'm surprised he didn't mention Colin Powell, Willie Mays, Bill "Bojangles" Robinson, and Wayne Brady.

What an idiot. It's revealing that he apparently thinks of this Africa thing as a cause that only black people would be interested in—you know that in his heart of hearts, he couldn't give a shit about it.

Yeah, that's about it.

P.S.: I thought I would note that I found this post in a rather interesting way... Doonesbury had the Condi quote on his site but without a link, and a google search lead to this. Given the snarkiness of the writing, I might have to pop in on it every now and then. Always nice when you stumble upon something.


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