Thursday, May 19, 2005

"It doesn't take a medical degree to know that drinking poop is bad for us"

From the Progress Report (and not from the Onion):

YOUR ICED TEA SHOULD'T BE THAT BROWN: "It doesn't take a medical degree to know that drinking poop is bad for us," writes Jeffrey Griffiths, a member of the EPA's National Drinking Water Advisory Council, in the Boston Globe. That hasn't stopped the Bush administration from proposing a new policy that "would allow sewage treatment plants to discharge inadequately treated human waste into lakes, rivers, streams, and coastal waters," which ends up in our tap water. Sure, pathogens from human waste can harm people in even small doses – particularly children, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems. But the administration thinks that by weakening sewage restrictions, it can save a few bucks and "further defer or avoid maintenance, or improvements, to their sewer and rainfall collection systems." There's no way we're drinking to that.


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