Wednesday, December 01, 2004

CBS refuses to run church ad which promotes its own openess to people of all sexualities

Atrios and TPM take note, the AP has a story that is hardly picked up, and finally CNN (albeit the business section) runs a piece on the fact that the UPN and CBS have refused to run an ad for a church which is proud of the fact that it invites folks of all stripes to worship.

The morality police are really in full swing, ain't they?

The weakest part of this story is the fact that CBS cited this as "issue advocacy" and noted Dubya's proposed ban on gay marriage... since when did proposals by a president have to do with a church ad? The ad promotes their own inclusiveness, but it doesn't try to tell you to be the same... WTF? They can't even be bothered to come up with good excuses anymore.

Of course, the silver lining is that the church is in line to get all sorts of free publicity...


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