Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Welcome to Bush Cabinet Retreat '05 (Nametags are MANDATORY)

Well, the heads keep on rollin' in the cabinet... Tom Ridge has stepped down, and it looks like Jon Snow might follow him.

Hmmm. It seems to me that Dubya is going to soon run out of WHite House loyalists to appoint... Agnus the Cleaning Lady might be next up for nomination.

And it's not like she could do any worse. Ridge was... what am I searching for here? Ah, yes, there it is: a joke. Jesse from Pandagon put it well:

I'll miss...that thing he did.

What are the job prospects for a guy like Ridge? With his coloring skillz, I'll bet several children's book publishers are lining up for him, as well as several TV news outlets (think of his natural proficiency with the Doppler Radar!)

Snow, on the other hand, served for quite a short time considering the growth of the economy... I mean, how many times on the campaign trail did we hear that the economy was "turning the corner?" And it seems to me that Snow did about everything the boss wanted... he was a loyal guy. That begs the question: how bad do you have to suck to be a Bush loyalist and still get canned?

Or perhaps that's the wrong question... maybe he was just too white. I'm not saying that Gutierrez isn't cut out for the job (nor am I saying he is... I don't know him); however, Bush and Rove are nothing if not political, and one thing they do very very well is pay their debts. The Cuban vote really helps in Florida, and the Republicans are taking an ever-larger chunk of the growing Hispanic vote. Call me cynical, but you do the math and see where it leads you...


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