Thursday, July 07, 2005

Forget stats... I have an ancedote!

Herbert channels Friedman in his latest column... but Friedman, who never met a taxi cab driver who he wouldn't use as an allegory for globalization or peace in the Middle East, would never make a bush mistake like this:

I don't have the statistics to prove it, but black kids would be tremendously better off if the cultural winds changed and more fathers felt the need to come home.

Ah, Bob... stick to what you know and leave the BS to Tom.

P.S. For the record, I personally believe that on the whole there is greater strength in a two-parent household; however, I am not going to make such certain assertions on this blog, let along the NY Times, without checking out the statistics. Was Herbert so lazy that he couldn't spend a minute or two of his time (or of his interns' time) on Google or some other engine? Geez...


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