Thursday, June 16, 2005

Kill 'em all

Wow... and I mean WOW

Atrios points us to a Hardball transcript on Gitmo that I can hardly believe... bolds are mine:

ORIN: I go back to the fact that we need to remember we‘re at war. And it makes it—you know, for some of the people who are on the left on this issue, it gets very easy to say, oh, we need to treat them with proper respect and so on. This is a very complicated question, because, on the one hand, you don‘t want to behave as badly as they do. On the other hand, you know, I think the reaction in much of the al Qaeda world to this story will be, what a bunch of wusses. Boy, if that is all they do to you, we don‘t even have to be afraid of being captured.

MATTHEWS: My big concern is, the longer you keep them, the angrier they get. Eventually, you are going to send them home. Maybe the smarter thing is to execute everyone down there, because if you‘re going to send them back to the Arab world or the Islamic world angry as hell at us, they‘re going to be doing dirty stuff against us, right?

DUFFY: Well, that‘s another reason why I think they need Gitmo. They need somebody to put these—place to put maybe these people for a very long time, not three or four years, but longer than that. Even if you have tribunals...


MATTHEWS: Is that the thinking down there? It is a gulag?

DUFFY: Well, imagine. Even if you have tribunals and you actually go through the process of having...


ORIN: Wait.


MATTHEWS: No, is it a gulag if it‘s—if it is a place you send people that don‘t come back, what would you call it?

ORIN: You know, we don‘t have...

MATTHEWS: What would you call that?

ORIN: We don‘t have millions of people dying there. Let‘s not call it a gulag.


MATTHEWS: We‘re talking about making them stay there until they do die, right?

DUFFY: One of the things we also learned is that these guys are really good at resisting interrogation. They‘re really good at it. They‘ve been trained. They know how to throw back every trick, every psychological trick.


MATTHEWS: If you were getting lemon chicken every night, you would...


MATTHEWS: You would resist for a while.


MATTHEWS: Anyway, coming up, President Bush goes on the offensive in a fund-raising speech last night, getting—we‘re getting a lot of noise about how good he was last night. He is going after the Democrats against the obstructionism, he calls it, of the Democratic Party.

Matthews thinks we should just execute all the prisoners, guilty or not, because if we don't then we could be creating more terrorist by letting them go... and neither guest on the show pukes in horror!

Matthews then lets one of the guest squirm out of the gulag question in favor of making a lemon chicken joke... and how about that George Bush stickin' it to the Dems!

This is your media... this is your world...


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