Monday, May 16, 2005

Truth in the Quran Report

Newsweek seems to have shat the bed with their Quran story, but worse than that is guys like Rummy gee-whizzing us about facts:

'People have said, 'My goodness, why does it take so long for someone to come back with and have the actual facts?' ' Rumsfeld said. 'Well, it takes a long time to be truthful, to be responsible.'
The man knows of which he speaks... we are still waiting for this administration to be truthful and responsible.

Anyway, it is just sucks that all this happened... not only because it helped spark the riots (although that is not likely the full story) but because the right wing is going to flog this to death just like the CBS Texas Air National Guard story, regardless of the idea that Newsweek is not really a traditional right wing pinata and is pretty damned balanced (although some of the irresponsible things they decided to publish during the Lewinsky Affair still blow my mind)

Update: More from Kevin Drum and TPM...


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