Monday, March 21, 2005

Um, Tom? Ixnay the ingerfay ointingpay

It has come to the attention of Atrios that Delay has been using the bully pulpit of his position to chastize Michael Schiavo.

I guess I don't really care all that much per se... Delay can say what he wants, it's a free country and all that (although I will have to ask the Wife what the slander/libel laws might have to say about his past comments).

No, what I care about is the fact that he is being a critic, period. From the LA Times:

DeLay, who has been personally chastising Michael Schiavo, did not spare him on Saturday. "I don't have a whole lot of respect for a man that has treated this woman in this way," he said. "What kind of man is he?"

Hey Asshole, you're the guy who has been slapped with multiple ethics violations and then had the committee reconfigured with your cronies to keep it from happening again... and that still might not save your punk ass from jail.

How did this douche get such power in the Republican party?


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