Thursday, March 31, 2005

The sadistic nature of Life

Sigh... life has a disturbing tendency to repeatedly kick you in the balls in a gratuitous fashion.

I have been sick over the past several days with some bug that apparently can't make-up its mind on what symptoms it is going to cause (fever and chills one day, head-splitting sinus headache the next). This doesn't actually put me behind though... because I am already behind (kinda my default mode). So I work through the worst of it, and just when I think it is lifting I end up having to pull yet another all-nighter (I don't think I ever did three in a year in college, let alone in a month). This in turn not only makes me cranky, but also makes me feel like five pounds of shit in a four pound bag again... which is a perfect way to go into a couple days of making presentations. To top it all off, I just found out that the Office of Women's Health and Research at the NIH won't be able to pony up funds for an F30 grant for me even though all the initial signs suggested that they would do so (It was a budget thing... thanks Bush, ya friggin' asshole)

Alright... not a very interesting post to be sure, but I needed to shake my fist at life, so deal with it.


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