Thursday, February 17, 2005

Bush nominates Negreponte for Intel Czar

I sure hope I don't have to say anything about how mind-blowingly awful this whole Bush saga has gotten, but if you are still wondering, look here for starters.

You know, I have been against President Numbnuts since, oh, pretty much day one without much doubt, but I have always retained at least a shred of opinion that maybe he just a nice guy doing wrong... someone who means well but is just overwhelmed by the position and the stronger personalities around him.

That shred has been waning over the years, but this has broken it. This administration doesn't give a damn about this country, and Bush himself is right there with the rest of them. I am so pissed off at them, all the whores who blindly shill for him in return for their bag of silver, and all the idiots in this country who voted for his worthless hide. Truth be told, I would love to go off on a Rude Pundit-like rant right now, but this is a PG blog and I think the 'rents would be a little disappointed in knowing that I possess rather indelicate vituperative skills.

Suffice to say I am numb with rage, and that's making it a little difficult to write the grant that I need to turn in tomorrow... a double whammy


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