Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Is 2008 the Booby prize?

Kevin Drum points out here and here that as bad as Bush has been with the budget, the costs of his new programs and tax cuts for the rich are seriously backloaded so they don't show up on "his" balance sheet (they also had to change from 10 year projection to 5 in order to keep this stuff under wraps)

In regards to the CA elections after Grey Davis was ousted that I thought it was the Booby prize... the state's finances are a mess, propositions hamper everything, and tax increases are inevitable. Now Arnie has managed to avoid problem, mainly by breaking campaign promises and loads of borrowing, but it will come due sooner or later (probably after the clod gets re-elected).

I think the same deal applies here to some extent... whoever wins in 2008 is going to have to deal with this crap, and it's not going to be pretty (although I think they will have more tools at their disposable than the CA governorship has).

Considering that Jeb will probably run in 2008, is that a very brotherly thing to do?


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