Saturday, December 11, 2004

NC School whitewashes slavery

This is some frightening stuff... not only that a school would know about it, but end up using the damn thing!

Principal Larry Stephenson said the school is only exposing students to different ideas, such as how the South justified slavery. He said the booklet is used because it is hard to find writings that are both sympathetic to the South and explore what the Bible says about slavery.

"You can have two different sides, a Northern perspective and a Southern perspective," he said.

Hey Larry, this isn't really about how the South justified slavery... some things aren't "justified"; people just ignore certain morals and do them without tortured reasoning. And the whole "different perspectives" issue makes me grind my teeth... what, has he been taking classes on the modern media? Sometimes one side's "perspective" isn't worth a cup of warm spit in the face of certain realities.

The weird thing is it's not like this is out in BFNC either... this is in Cary, which is one of the bigger warrens of the professional middle and upper-middle class of RTP. Heck, it's just down the road from where I live!

What the hell is wrong with people?

Update: More here


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