Monday, November 22, 2004

The de-evolution of evolution in America...

Political Wire points us to a Gallup Poll which shows that 33% back the theory of evolution and say there is supportive evidence, while 45% think that God plunked humans down on the earth about 10,000 years ago.

45%... chew on that one for a while. Then also consider that 33% are biblical literalists who believe that the Bible is the actual word of God and is to be taken literally, word for word. Then tell me with a straight face that religious zealotry is not taking over...

It simply amazes me... the Bible and Darwinism need not be mutually exclusive. Why can't people wrap their heads around the concept that even if the Bible is not taken literally that the message contained therein is not diminished at all?

And to all those biblical literalists: how are you doing with the rules laid down in Leviticus?

Update: Kevin Drum points out 25% of Americans think the sun orbits the Earth... bottom line: never overestimate the intelligence of the general population.


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