Monday, May 30, 2005

Never underestimate the depth of the stupidity of the populace

Kevin seems to have done so here:

All I can say is: Read the whole article until you get to that line. You'll read all about Kay Cody and her brothers and their kids. You'll read about the instability in their lives. You'll learn what the stock market did to Kay's 401(k). You'll learn about how envious they are of their father and his guaranteed pension and generous Social Security check. And then, after reading all that, you're suddenly jerked out of your chair and told that Kay Cody thinks private accounts are a great idea anyway. It's mind boggling.

Yes, it is mind-boggling to a sane and even moderately intelligent person. Unfortunately, this country has a general population with a median intelligence nothing even resembling moderately intelligent. Not only is that going to screw this country from a political standpoint, but it is going to allow India and China to kick our ass into full-blown French-style wistful remembrance of the ol' empire days (but that's a rant for a different post...)


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