Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Tuesday Logo Blogging

So here I am at school at 11:15pm... I just got done playing an IM basketball game... two and a half hours earlier I got my NATA Grant (all 150 pages, give or take) to the Staples UPS about 5 minutes before closing... I am a couple days removed from a 32 hour stint working on it... and I am currently in my 41st hour of conscienceness.

I am not tired... I am in a realm beyond... fatigue no longer has any meaning...

Of course, my eyes say differently. My eyes are so bloodshot I look like I just got off a week-long cocaine bender...

Anyway, DHP's Big Sis is in a creative mood, and made a little logo for the site... given that I can hardly type or read or think straight, it is probably the best post I can come up with (not that it couldn't stand on its own merits in better times... it's just an easy post)
Here it is:


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