Thursday, March 10, 2005

Draft Smackdown

Phillip Carter and Paul Glastris have a column in the Washington Monthly making a case for the draft. I think the whole thing is a pretty bad move for our team... if you are really interested in making a non-partisan point about the need to increase the size of the military because we are "plowing a field with a Ferrari," then just increase the size normally... I don't really think a draft is needed at this point in order to do that. You just need the funds and the legislative ok. The stupidity really shines as a partisan stick... You don't want to go about making the point that a draft actually might be needed whether we like it or not by musing about making it some regular ol' policy decision. Along those lines, Atrios says:

if we need more actual recruits, sweetening the deal and fighting fewer crappy pointless wars would probably solve the problem.

I don't even think the former is needed... the latter would probably suffice just fine.


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