Sunday, January 23, 2005

Dubya’s Freedom Rhetoric

Undoubtedly most of my readers have seen other source of commentary on the disconnect between Bush’s inaugural address and his actions, such as overtly snuggling up to Putin, Musharref, Bandar Bush, and others, while turning a blind eye to other countries (such as Uzbekistan).

But what does the money say? The case only gets strong… from the CfAP Progress Report:

The Bush administration has cut funds to the FREEDOM Support Act, the program designed to promote and ensure democracy. Overall, funding for FSA was sliced from $958 million to $548 million since 2002; funding for Russia specifically was cut from $162 million to $93 million (President Bush only requested $73 million for the program). At the same time, however, Russian President Vladimir Putin shut down the Russian press, jailed his political opposition and attempted to validate his hand-picked, fraudulently elected lapdog in Ukraine. Noting a "dangerous and disturbing drift toward authoritarianism in Russia," Freedom House, a U.S.-based organization that tracks the progress of political rights and civil liberties around the world, has shifted Russia from "partly free" status to "not free."

SOURCES: Cuts to FSA Putin crimes against democracy Freedom House ruling Not Free

And now it seems to Kevin Drum that everyone is saying "Heh... just kiddin'!", including 41.

I wonder what Safire thinks of the speech now that they have backed off it so quickly...


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